Building infrastructure for a better future.

Society and industry need tools to achieve the goals of expected quality of life, safety, environmental protection and efficiency. We design and build advanced technological installations that respond to these challenges.


Protection of environmental resources has become a priority in the municipal area and in the private sector. We build facilities for water conservation, solid waste disposal and air protection.


Diversified, stable and economically efficient energy sources are essential for sustainable economic growth. We are building transmission infrastructure and generation units based on renewable sources and conventional fuels.

Oil and gas

Hydrocarbons are reliable and low-carbon energy carriers. We provide facilities for their safe extraction, treatment, transportation and storage.

For a better tomorrow. For All of us.

We have been designing and building complex technological installations and facilities for over 30 years. We act as a General Contractor of technological investments, i.e., those designed to implement a specific process on an industrial scale, strictly according to the specifications of our clients. We are involved in the implementation of diverse projects: power plants, water treatment plants, natural gas storage facilities, etc. We carry out tasks for major entities providing energy and utility services. From the point of view of society and the economy, this is critical infrastructure, from ours – everyday work.

How are we changing the world to a better place?

As a General Contractor, we carry out tasks in the “design and build” model. We are a company with engineering roots. We have our own design facilities, which allows us to consciously choose the solutions that are ultimately used in the investments we carry out. We have been active in key sectors of the economy for many years. The installations and facilities we build are important for energy security and are tools for green transformation.

We are creating a sustainable business. For the good of our planet.

Responsibility is at the heart of doing business. Each investment is a carefully calculated relationship between the resources involved and the planned profit. We know this very well and are able to find the golden mean for each venture. But there is also an area of our activities in which the main priority is environmental protection. When choosing materials and technologies, we are guided by indicators of energy efficiency and resources used. Given the sectors in which we operate, the investments we manage are constantly monitored for the occurrence of environmental hazards and we have an active preventive policy in this regard.



The specialty construction sector is all about experienced personnel and following developments. Our philosophy is to select high-tech tasks that allow us to use our resources and experience effectively. Thanks to our very broad experience, we are pioneers – we are often the first to implement a new technology in a given domestic market.

The installations built by us ensure a reliable supply of natural gas:

Built municipal waste treatment plants reduce the amount of waste going to landfills by up to:

Sorting plants designed by CONTROL PROCESS recover 150 t/d of recyclables

With the cogeneration sources made, we are reducing CO2 emissions by:

87% 330 000 t/year 3.5 million m3/h 150 t/d

Case Study

Zakład Zagospodarowania Odpadów w Olsztynie

Projekt i budowa Zakładu Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Komunalnych w Olsztynie oraz budowa drogi dojazdowej do ZUOK.

Wyspa kotłowa ZW Kraków

Budowa gazowego bloku energetycznego opalanego gazem wielkopiecowym oraz ziemnym o całkowitej mocy elektrycznej 55 MW.

Węzeł gazu Starchocina

Budowa węzła rozdzielczo-pomiarowego gazu w miejscowości Strachocina.

Tłocznia gazu Paldiski

Interkonektor Estonia-Finlandia i tłocznia gazu w Paldiski

Tłocznia gazu ziemnego Puiatu

Budowa tłoczni gazu w miejscowości Puiatu w Estonii jako część gazociągu Balticconnector.

Case Study

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Zakład Zagospodarowania Odpadów w Olsztynie

Projekt i budowa Zakładu Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Komunalnych w Olsztynie oraz budowa drogi dojazdowej do ZUOK.

Wyspa kotłowa ZW Kraków

Budowa gazowego bloku energetycznego opalanego gazem wielkopiecowym oraz ziemnym o całkowitej mocy elektrycznej 55 MW.

Węzeł gazu Starchocina

Budowa węzła rozdzielczo-pomiarowego gazu w miejscowości Strachocina.

Tłocznia gazu Paldiski

Interkonektor Estonia-Finlandia i tłocznia gazu w Paldiski

We are changing the world around you. For the better.

We believe that environmental protection is the key to sustainable development. Therefore, we are committed to environmental protection and promote responsible attitudes among our employees and customers. Our suppliers and subcontractors are evaluated in terms of their adherence to environmental standards. We are in the vanguard when it comes to the technologies we implement for the environmental sector – we build safe municipal waste disposal facilities and efficient sewage treatment and sludge disposal facilities.